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Fertility Help is Here

If you’re looking to start your family soon, consider acupuncture. Over 3,000 years old, acupuncture has been helping couples conceive for centuries. Acupuncture regulates the neuroendocrine systems, balancing fertility hormones naturally without a lot of outside medical intervention. Most couples benefit from the “PRE-Trimester” (3 months prior to conception).

It turns out, the sperm and the egg are both affected by lifestyle, diet and stress 3 months prior to conception. We call this time period “Fertility Prep.” That’s also why we dedicate a Couples Consultation prior to designing our fertility treatment plan for each couple. Therapies such as acupuncture, herbs, supplements, ATP Resonance BioTherapy, O3 Regenerative Therapy are used to reach our fertility goals on our couple’s timeline.

Some of our fertility couples are trying to conceive (TTC) all naturally, some are undergoing IVF or IUI procedures, or using a surrogate. Many of our fertility patients have successfully overcome PCOS, endometriosis, sperm motility or morphology issues, or unexplained infertility. Whatever the diagnosis, we have over a 90% success rate helping couples not just conceive, but support our couple to a successful delivery of the baby of their dreams.

We don’t just get women pregnant, we help create families.

Stocking Stuffers Available Now

This Holiday Season pick up Stocking Stuffers at our office Monday thru Friday.

Our receptionist, Addye, is available for pick up orders and can have everything ready with just a phone call.

Pain relieving topicals Tiger Mom CBD and Holy Water are available in regular sizes and mini travel sized bottles for your family and friends.

Oral CBD CLR MAX is THC free and great for reducing inflammation/aches and pains, as well as reducing stress *hello, holidays!* and improving sleep.

Give us a Call at 410-847-4766 to arrange pick up of your Stocking Stuffers today!

Got PITN? We’ve got Your Back!

PITN or Pain in the Neck is one of the most common ailments we see day in and day out in our clinic. Many times, there is Back Pain and Pain in the Neck together.

There are many reasons for this, as many neck pain sufferers will attest, the upper back and neck are connected like a superhighway. Obviously, both areas are part of the spinal cord, and as such, sometimes will present referred nerve pain or muscle tightness in one area throws off the accompanying area.

One of the most common reasons lately for neck pain are “TECH NECK” – a term we use to describe neck muscle strain and hyperflexion due to looking down at your cell phone for extended periods of time. Facebook, Tik Tok, You Tube and a few others probably come to mind when I mention this. It seems everyone is always on their phones nowadays, even children!

Neck misalignment can create low back issues too, because again the alignment of one area can affect the nearby areas- just like the alignment of your car!

What can you do?

  1. Take Stretch Breaks to keep your body loose and limber
  2. Get Acupuncture to improve mobility and function of your muscles and joints
  3. Use Pain Relief Topicals like our trusted Holy Water & Tiger Mom CBD Oil
  4. Try Heat, Ice or Massage/Vibration and see what you respond best to
  5. Take a Vacation to break up the monotony of your work demands on your body, with a change of pace and a change of scenery
  6. Go to Physical Therapy for strengthening exercises and to get custom exercises specifically for these concerns
  7. Go to the Gym to stay active, strong, and healthy and to allow your body different movements and activities
  8. Eat proper nutrition, like Low Inflammation Diet, reduce chemicals by choosing organic, keep a food diary to connect which foods create inflammation and pain in your specific body
  9. Move it, move it- take dance party breaks throughout your day, especially if you are still working from home
  10. Take a gentle walk in nature for the relaxation and deep breathing
  11. Meditation to relax the nervous system and thereby relax your muscles
  12. Epsom salt bath

Our Therapies: Acupuncture, ATP Resonance BioTherapy, and Direct Vitamin Injection Therapy (B12, Mineral Blend specifically) are fantastic in treating Neck Pain, Back Pain and stiff, tight muscles.

Get started today!

Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture

Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture

We all know that stress is just a part of life. We all have moments of feeling anxious or depressed, but when those feelings become more of a permanent fixture in our lives, it is time to get some help. What many may not know is how effective acupuncture can be in providing relief to the mental and physical symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. continue reading »

5 Acupoints for Anxiety You Can Administer Yourself

acupoints for anxiety

“At a time when people are so conscious of maintaining their physical health by controlling their diets, exercising, and so forth, it makes sense to try to cultivate the corresponding mental attitudes too.”

– HH the Dalai Lama, 1963

It can be easy to forget how much our mental state can affect our physical well-being. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, that connection is evident in the treatment strategies, but it is also true that when we are feeling bad, we don’t always think to look at our minds. It works both ways.  continue reading »

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