The Benefits of Detoxifying your Body with Acupuncture
Life can be incredibly stressful. Even if things are “going well,” the constant pull of the needs of others including kids, coworkers, parents, and even friends can leave us feeling drained and often leads us into making poor lifestyle choices. But what if there was a place you could go to heal your body and your mind? A sanctuary of sorts, where you can find serenity and healing through the art of acupuncture. Your acupuncturist can help you find the path to detoxification—a journey of renewal and revitalization for both body and soul. continue reading
The Best Way to Find the Best Acupuncture Clinic for You
Whether you’re suffering from low back pain, or neuropathy, infertility or headaches, you’ll want to find the best acupuncture clinic that suits your needs the best.
The very best way is to call and speak with the receptionist of your clinic of interest and ask them if they have experience in or specialize in your primary condition you are seeking care for. While most acupuncturists have trained extensively for 3-5 years in graduate level study acupuncture programs, and receive a Master’s degree or a Doctorate (also known as a Acupuncture Physician), it’s still best to work with an acupuncturist or clinic that has experienced success in treating your condition.
Some questions you can ask when you phone a prospective acupuncture clinic:
Has the acupuncturist treated my type of condition before?
What is the success rate of treating my condition at this clinic?
How many years of experience does the acupuncturist have?
Do you offer any additional therapies beyond acupuncture to help address my condition?
What can I expect during my first visit? (Is it just a consultation, or will I receive treatment that day?)
Most of our patients are referred by word of mouth, from former patients who have also experienced success. Our acupuncturist Dr. Laura Parks does specialize in chronic, complex conditions and has been practicing for over 13 years. She received her acupuncture doctorate from Five Branches University, and acupuncture masters from Maryland University of Integrative Health (formerly Tai Sophia). Dr. Parks has been treating Fertility patients for over 13 years and specializing in neuropathy for over 4 years, with over a 85% success rate.
Stocking Stuffers Available Now
This Holiday Season pick up Stocking Stuffers at our office Monday thru Friday.
Our receptionist, Addye, is available for pick up orders and can have everything ready with just a phone call.
Pain relieving topicals Tiger Mom CBD and Holy Water are available in regular sizes and mini travel sized bottles for your family and friends.
Oral CBD CLR MAX is THC free and great for reducing inflammation/aches and pains, as well as reducing stress *hello, holidays!* and improving sleep.
Give us a Call at 410-847-4766 to arrange pick up of your Stocking Stuffers today!
Did You Know . . . About O3 Regenerative Ozone Therapy
Our Newest Therapy
O3 Regenerative TherapyTM
Can Be Used for Many Conditions!
O3 Regenerative Therapy™ Injections are a great treatment for chronic joint pain (knee, back, and shoulders). Your body has the ability heal itself, sometimes it just needs a push in the right direction.
What To Expect With
O3 Regenerative Therapy™
Of Any Joint
Back Pain
Including Degenerated / Dehydrated Discs
Facet Arthrosis
SI Syndrome
Except True Hormonal Migraines
Neck Pain
Sports Injuries
Tennis Elbow
Rotator Cuff Tear
ACL Tear
Torn Meniscus
Chronic Ankle Sprains
Achilles Tendonitis
Chronic Subluxation / Dislocation Of Shoulder
Torn Labrum Of Shoulder Or Hip
Overuse Syndromes
Plantar Fasciitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Texters / Quilters Thumb
TMJ syndrome
Avascular Necrosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Is there research on O3 Regenerative Therapy And Fertility?
Yes! Use the following link to see one of many research articles about the success stories of O3 Therapy and Fertility. Ozone Therapy and Fertility