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Women’s Health

Neuropathy… Did You Know?

Neuropathy plagues approximately 20 million people in the United States. This particular type of nerve damage can have a multitude of medical causes.

  1. Diabetes
  2. Chemotherapy (or Radiation) Induced Peripheral Neuropathy also known as CIPN
  3. Nerve damage, especially originating from spinal compression, bulging disc, or pinched nerve.
  4. Viral Induced (including COVID-19)
  5. Unknown

Symptoms usually include tingling, numbness that can be quite painful, feeling of walking on “pins and needles,” unable to properly feel one’s feet or hands. After the pain of numbness and sharp, hot pain fades the feet or hands become truly numb, which is a progressive degeneration of the condition. This is a sign that the peripheral nerves have actually died and started to recede, which presents as true numbness creeping upwards, for example from the feet up the legs to even the groin. Or from the hands towards the shoulder. The exact level of severity of the Neuropathy condition is assessed by a neurological exam called the Toronto Exam.

Unfortunately, there is not much doctors can offer to treat neuropathy… Until now.

Now there is Hope.

At Cloud 9 Acupuncture, we have over a 85% success rate in significantly improving neuropathy cases. Without meds, without side effects, we use acupuncture combined with cutting edge technology to create a reversal of neuropathy. To get started, call for a consultation to find out if you are a candidate for our Neuropathy Program.

Our Life Changing Neuropathy Program

It started out as a normal outing.

Irreversible is not a word you want to hear from your Doctor but it’s a common one if you’ve been diagnosed with Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy or CIPN.

Elliot S. of Towson survived testicular cancer only to be living life in constant pain. He felt as though he were walking on pins and needles, becoming weaker and weaker by the day. “I was beginning to be worried that one day I would be wheelchair-bound.”

Nearly half of patients who undergo chemotherapy will develop Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy or CIPN.

Chemotherapy meds travel throughout the body and attack cancer cells, sadly they can also cause severe damage to healthy nerves. CIPN can begin within weeks of starting treatment and can worsen as treatment continues. A high number of really unfortunate people will be forced to endure the symptoms associated with CIPN for months or even years after they’ve completed chemo.

When asked how CIPN was affecting his quality of life, he responded, “It was difficult to even walk up and down stairs and do other things we usually take for granted.”

The most common symptoms include:

  • pain, tingling, burning, weakness, or numbness in arms, hands, legs or feet
  • sudden, sharp, stabbing or shocking pain sensations
  • loss of touch sensation
  • clumsiness and trouble using hands to pick up objects or fasten clothing
  • loss of balance or falling

For some, their nerves will recover over time. For most, the nerve damage is ‘irreversible. ‘ Elliot had been told just that by a series of Doctors and specialists. Essentially they could cure his cancer but couldn’t fix the damage done by the drugs used to cure his cancer.

Then Elliot made a call to Acupuncturist Laura Parks of Cloud 9 Acupuncture right here in Timonium, MD. Acupuncturist Laura Parks is using time-tested science of Acupuncture and technology originally developed by NASA that assists in increasing blood flow and expediting recovery and healing to treat this debilitating disease.

After a series of treatments, Elliot was taking stairs with stride! “We have a house and it has stairs. This morning I walked right down the stairs and got into the car,” Elliot shared.

“I remember thinking ‘that’s become mighty easy for me,’ I didn’t have to hold on to the handrail or anything!

It’s life changing to have this mobility back!

Again and again, we meet with patients who were once diagnosed as “untreatable” or “incurable” but after receiving Laura Parks’ treatments are now living lives free from pain and suffering. For over 11 years she has been reversing the effects of CIPN and other varieties of Peripheral Neuropathy, including that caused by diabetes without invasive surgeries and medications that come with uncomfortable side effects.

If you’ve recently beat cancer only to find that you’re living a life in constant pain and discomfort or you’re struggling with the same symptoms as a result of either Idiopathic Neuropathy or Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Acupuncturist Laura Parks and the incredible team at Cloud 9 can help!


Our 90% Success Rate Fertility Program

At our clinic, we are proud of having over a 90% success rate in helping our couples not just get pregnant, but have a healthy labor & delivery, healthy baby, and healthy postpartum experience. We combine regenerative therapies to turn back the biological clock.

Therapies such as acupuncture, ATP Resonance BioTherapy that uses low level current to reprogram the cells that influence reproductive health, O3 Regenerative Therapy specifically to fully oxygenate the uterine lining, improving circulation and increasing the rate of implantation, as well as improving egg quality. With over a decade of experience, customized supplements complement the acupuncture protocols we use, aligning with each week of your fertility cycle – the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, and the luteal phase. Find out more with a Couple’s Consultation to explore what type of treatment plan our clinic will recommend for you and your partner. Remember, “it takes Two to Tango!”

Three Ways Acupuncture Can Help with Menopause

Three Ways Acupuncture Can Help with Menopause

For many women, the journey through menopause can be fraught with various symptoms that can range in severity from mild at one end of the spectrum to debilitating at the other. The menopausal transition is different for every woman and tailored treatments offered by acupuncture can provide significant benefits. Although studies outline more, let’s look at just three of the benefits of using acupuncture to treat menopausal symptoms.  continue reading »

Fertility Journey Success!

We would shout it from the rooftops if we could! 

Sometimes, a Fertility Story is so good we just can’t not share the good, good news!

Fertility Acupuncture Program at Cloud 9 Acupuncture


Another Pregnancy! This Patient tried for over 18 months prior to starting with Cloud 9, with advanced maternal age, PCOS, Fibroid surgery, history of chronic autoimmune conditions NOW improved on bloodwork panels.

7 pregnancy tests and Bloodwork Prove It! She’s Pregnant BEFORE her scheduled IVF cycle!

Congrats to our patient, we are over the moon excited for you and your fertility journey and can’t wait to support you the entire pregnancy for the goals of healthy mom, healthy baby.

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