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Health WellNews

Vitamin C Injections Now Available at Cloud 9

Give Vitamin C a shot!

 Did you know? . . . Our ability to absorb nutrients starts to decline starting around age 40.
That's why we are so excited to offer Vitamin C Injections (Direct Vitamin Injection Therapy, 
This year especially, it's important for us to maintain healthy vitamin C, D3 and B12 levels.

Vitamin C is infamous in helping to Boost the Immune System. 

How Dietary Needs Change with Aging

from Presenter: Katherine Tucker, referenced at

“Dietary needs change with aging in several ways:

  • People become less active, their metabolism slows, their energy requirement decreases, all of which mean that they need to eat less.
  • Recent research demonstrates that because older adults’ abilities to absorb and utilize many nutrients become less efficient, their nutrient requirements (particularly as a function of body mass) actually increase. Tucker mentioned that the last set of nutrition recommendations issued by the Institute of Medicine () include separate recommendations for people age 70 and above for this reason ().
  • Tucker noted that as some of the previous speakers had discussed, chronic conditions and medications can affect nutrition requirements. For example, in addition to drug-nutrient interactions affecting drug metabolism, some drug-nutrient interactions are also nutrient wasting. This is especially true of the B vitamins.”

Boost Your Immune System

Get Ahead of Cold & Flu Season this Year
at Cloud 9 Acupuncture!

We are now offering Immune Boost Packages, to include:
Direct Vitamin Injection Therapy & 
Immune Support Supplements.
Short on Time? 
Check out our Injection-Only Packages and Immune Supplement Bundles! 
Perfect for a Busy Schedule & a Healthy Immune System. 

At Peace Instead of In Pieces

Lately we’ve had a huge surge in New Patients. Most of these patients are completely new to acupuncture, some are not. Some saw another acupuncturist years ago for a few visits perhaps. One of my takeaways as one of the 6 acupuncturists here at Cloud 9 from the past few weeks is a reminder of just how powerful it can be to have a practitioner provide deep listening.


What do I mean by “Deep Listening?”


Many of our patients recently have said their peace and then looked at me with a soft smile and said, “wow, I feel like I’m talking to my therapist, but I’m more relaxed. I feel so much better.” Usually followed by, “Does anyone else ever tell you that?”


The answer is Yes. Many times. The reason patients have this healing experience so often is because we set a supportive environment where patients can bring any of their concerns or life difficulties to the table to be tended to. As an acupuncturist, I was also given years of training as a Wellness Coach, giving mindset shifting tools to carefully craft and curate for each individual patient at hand.


That’s not to take away from a psychologist or therapist. We refer out to therapists all the time and we respect the amazing work they do. At the same time, we acknowledge that acupuncture brings healing to what the Ancient Chinese described as “Body/Mind/Spirit” and we tend our patients knowing that what ails the mind will show up in the body, and what ails the body will weigh heavily on the mind. We are here to tend you by looking at you holistically (and as a whole).


I look forward to seeing you on the table soon, so we can continue to help you Find Peace, and Bring Your (maybe not so broken?) Pieces back together.

Something New for Pain – Evil Bone Water!

Zheng Gu Shui or “Evil Bone Water” has been around for over 500 years as a Chinese Herbal Formula to Treat Pain.
This Evil Bone Water is made by Saint Acupuncture, right here in the USA.
It’s good for Broken Bones, Joint Pain & Arthritis, Bruises, Muscle Cramps or PMS Cramps, Sprains, Sports Injuries, Carpal Tunnel, and Insect Bites.

Evil Bone Water Cloud 9 Acupuncture

It is an all natural, plant-based formula that goes Amazingly Well with our
other Superstar Pain Product, Tiger Mom CBD Roller.

We put Evil Bone Water on first where you are having pain, then we roll on the Tiger Mom CBD and . . .
BAM! It’s a 1 – 2 Punch to knock out the pain. The Evil Bone Water gets in deep to the bone (or the joints) where your pain is and helps Tiger Mom CBD get in deeper and faster to provide pain relief. Both Evil Bone Water & Tiger Mom CBD are rich in anti-inflammatory properties while significantly reducing pain, helping the muscles feel looser and restoring Range of Motion to stiff joints and muscles.

Make an appointment today to demo Evil Bone Water and Tiger Mom CBD at your next acupuncture session!

Open House & FREE Acupuncture

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