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Something New for Pain – Evil Bone Water!

Zheng Gu Shui or “Evil Bone Water” has been around for over 500 years as a Chinese Herbal Formula to Treat Pain.
This Evil Bone Water is made by Saint Acupuncture, right here in the USA.
It’s good for Broken Bones, Joint Pain & Arthritis, Bruises, Muscle Cramps or PMS Cramps, Sprains, Sports Injuries, Carpal Tunnel, and Insect Bites.

Evil Bone Water Cloud 9 Acupuncture

It is an all natural, plant-based formula that goes Amazingly Well with our
other Superstar Pain Product, Tiger Mom CBD Roller.

We put Evil Bone Water on first where you are having pain, then we roll on the Tiger Mom CBD and . . .
BAM! It’s a 1 – 2 Punch to knock out the pain. The Evil Bone Water gets in deep to the bone (or the joints) where your pain is and helps Tiger Mom CBD get in deeper and faster to provide pain relief. Both Evil Bone Water & Tiger Mom CBD are rich in anti-inflammatory properties while significantly reducing pain, helping the muscles feel looser and restoring Range of Motion to stiff joints and muscles.

Make an appointment today to demo Evil Bone Water and Tiger Mom CBD at your next acupuncture session!

Derma Rollers

By Kelly Ferguson, M.Ac., L.Ac.

More and more frequently we are seeing Derma Rollers available at different beauty or wellness stores, but what are they and how do they work?
Derma Rollers have a little wheel with micro needles on them. These rollers have different sized needles depending on the area of the body being worked on. They increase the blood circulation to help with things like wrinkles, blemishes and cellulite. Additionally, they’re great to use before putting on your facial serums or creams so that they’ll penetrate deeper into the skin.
Come check out our AcuLift Derma Rollers available at Cloud 9- the only roller that is approved by the FDA!
Kelly sees patients on Tuesdays & Thursdays 12p -8pm, Saturdays 10am-3pm in Timonium, and Wednesdays 12:30pm-7:30pm in White Marsh.

The Importance of Your Recommended Number of Acupuncture Treatments & How Regular Treatment Can PREVENT Problems Before They Even Start!

By Emily Herman, M.Ac., L.Ac.

During the very first acupuncture treatment you receive, your acupuncturist will discuss with you a recommended course of treatment based on your condition and goals. This varies per the individual, but usually the recommendation will be something like 6-12 weekly treatments, within which period of time you will see gradual improvement in your condition, and after which point you may be able to space treatment out to once every two weeks, to eventually once a month for maintenance and preventative care. Initially, during the first few treatments, you may feel marked improvement in your condition immediately following treatment, and sometimes find it may “return” a few days later. This is normal, and actually a sign that acupuncture is working! Acupuncture treats the acute discomfort of your condition, and also the underlying imbalances that led to your condition. This takes time, especially with chronic and complicated conditions. You didn’t get these symptoms all at once, and healing them is a process. But if you stick (pun intended) with your recommended treatment plan, you are sure to to see marked, and over time lasting improvement as well as other benefits you may not have even been aware of when you started treatment.


Once your condition is optimally healed, you will want to come in about once a month for maintenance. Not only will this keep your XY or Z condition from returning, it can help stave of further illness or injury.


Acupuncture works in a multitude of ways, but one simple explanation is that it stimulates the central nervous system to release the body’s natural pain-reducing, anti-inflammatory chemicals, endorphins and enkephalins.


Regular benefits of acupuncture, to name a few, include:


    Improved sleep

    Better response to stress

    Improved mood

    Improved relationships (yes really!)

    Fewer colds

    More energy/better stamina


Not to mention, getting the acupuncture treatment itself is a calming, wonderful respite from the hustle and bustle of every day life.


This is a busy time of year. We know you have work deadlines, and family in town, this that and the other thing, and we also want to take care of you and help you get better from whatever ailment had you walk through our door. We encourage you to stick to the plan so you can get all the wonderful benefits of acupuncture, and so it can really work for you!

Emily Herman,
Licensed Acupuncturist

Emily sees patients in our Timonium location on:

Wednesdays… 4pm – 8pm

Saturdays …. 2:30pm – 6pm

Emily is in network with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna and Aetna plans.

Read more about Emily at

Open House & FREE Acupuncture

Join Us!

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Did you know? Acupuncture can help Osteoporosis!

By Bradley Stiles, L.Ac.


Do you suffer from Postmenopausal Osteoporosis?  Acupuncture can help!


In a recent study acupuncture with moxibustion has been shown to outperform a supplementation of calcium added into the diet.  The study used three groups, a calcium supplement control group, an electro-stim acupuncture group, and an acupuncture and moxibustion group.  If you are not familiar with electro-stim, it is exactly what it sounds like.  Acupuncture is applied and then an e-stim machine is attached to the needles and applies electrical current through the needles.  Moxibustion is the burning of the herb mugwort, also known as Moxa, at the location of an acupuncture point.  Warm needle acupuncture is moxa applied to the needle so that the needle itself is warmed up.

acupuncture for osteoporosis

Receiving treatment once a day for 30 days, data was gathered on visual analog scale pain scores.  Additional data was logged in the form of the biomarkers serum insulin growth factors (IGF-1), serum interleukin 6 (IL6), and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-A).  Acupuncture points that were chosen were BL 11, BL 23, and GB 39 and were “proven to produce subjective and objective results” through the study.

If you are interested in knowing more information or the specific details of the study please read the study itself which can be found below.


If you suffer from postmenopausal osteoporosis and are interested in getting acupuncture please schedule an appointment with us, the link can be found in the header at the top of the page!

Bradley Stiles acupuncturist
Bradley Stiles, M.Ac., L.Ac.


Bradley’s Timonium Hours:

Monday       … 7am – 12 pm

Tuesday      … 7am – 1pm

Wednesday… 7am – 12pm

Brad is ready to see patients with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna and Aetna plans in Timonium.


Bradley’s Kent Island Hours:

Thursday    …10am – 5pm

We do not accept insurance at our Kent Island location.


Read more about Brad & Watch Brad’s Video! at

(864) 908-9032 Directions Contact/Schedule