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What We Treat

Got PITN? We’ve got Your Back!

PITN or Pain in the Neck is one of the most common ailments we see day in and day out in our clinic. Many times, there is Back Pain and Pain in the Neck together.

There are many reasons for this, as many neck pain sufferers will attest, the upper back and neck are connected like a superhighway. Obviously, both areas are part of the spinal cord, and as such, sometimes will present referred nerve pain or muscle tightness in one area throws off the accompanying area.

One of the most common reasons lately for neck pain are “TECH NECK” – a term we use to describe neck muscle strain and hyperflexion due to looking down at your cell phone for extended periods of time. Facebook, Tik Tok, You Tube and a few others probably come to mind when I mention this. It seems everyone is always on their phones nowadays, even children!

Neck misalignment can create low back issues too, because again the alignment of one area can affect the nearby areas- just like the alignment of your car!

What can you do?

  1. Take Stretch Breaks to keep your body loose and limber
  2. Get Acupuncture to improve mobility and function of your muscles and joints
  3. Use Pain Relief Topicals like our trusted Holy Water & Tiger Mom CBD Oil
  4. Try Heat, Ice or Massage/Vibration and see what you respond best to
  5. Take a Vacation to break up the monotony of your work demands on your body, with a change of pace and a change of scenery
  6. Go to Physical Therapy for strengthening exercises and to get custom exercises specifically for these concerns
  7. Go to the Gym to stay active, strong, and healthy and to allow your body different movements and activities
  8. Eat proper nutrition, like Low Inflammation Diet, reduce chemicals by choosing organic, keep a food diary to connect which foods create inflammation and pain in your specific body
  9. Move it, move it- take dance party breaks throughout your day, especially if you are still working from home
  10. Take a gentle walk in nature for the relaxation and deep breathing
  11. Meditation to relax the nervous system and thereby relax your muscles
  12. Epsom salt bath

Our Therapies: Acupuncture, ATP Resonance BioTherapy, and Direct Vitamin Injection Therapy (B12, Mineral Blend specifically) are fantastic in treating Neck Pain, Back Pain and stiff, tight muscles.

Get started today!

Neuropathy Program at Cloud 9 Acupuncture

Did you know… We have a specialized Neuropathy Program at Cloud 9?

We begin with a thorough assessment and something called The Toronto Exam, which we revisit every 30-60 days to monitor the patient’s progress with our custom treatments.

Neuropathy responds well to acupuncture, and by combining acupuncture with our other advanced therapies ATP Resonance BioTherapy, Electroacupuncture, and Direct Vitamin Injection Therapy utilizing B12.

Depending on the initial cause of the patient’s neuropathy, we customize our approach. If the neuropathy was caused by radiation or chemotherapy for a cancer patient, a different blend of injections may be used, or the ATP program may be different to address the health of the nerves or the connective tissue.

If a patient’s onset of neuropathy is stemming from a compressed disc in the lumbar area of the spine causing neuropathy in the feet, with confirmed arthritis in the spine, we may consider the addition of O3 Regenerative Therapy to address the arthritis in the spine as well to improve the health of the nerves by relieving micro pressure on the spinal nerve roots from the arthritis.

On the contrary, if the neuropathy is determined to be induced by diabetes, we will look to ATP programs that address insulin resistance, pancreas function, and candida to improve the root of the diabetes as we also run ATP programs for peripheral or small fiber neuropathy, based on the patient’s diagnosis from their neurologist.

Sometimes the root of neuropathy is considered “medically unknown”- we still have a very high success rate in treating this type of neuropathy as well.

The biggest success factor in our neuropathy treatments are

  1. How much sensation has the patient lost so far? 80% loss of feeling in one’s feet, for example, is much more difficult to treat than 50% loss, and this combined with medical history will determine our estimate for that patient what the success rate for neuropathy treatment at Cloud 9 will be.
  2. Patient Compliance. Patients must adhere to the treatment plan and frequency of treatment to expect the most optimal results. Usually, if a patient is compliant, they can  typically expect an 85% success rate in improving their neuropathy by 70-90% over the course of their recommended treatment plan.

This is very good news, actually, as western medicine does not present many viable treatment options. Neuropathy is considered a degenerative condition that worsens with age, especially without any medical intervention. Usually, a neurologist will recommend a nerve medication like Cymbalta or Gabapentin to reduce the inflammation and burning sensations of neuropathy. However, patients many times will build a tolerance to said medication and continue to worsen in their condition because the root causes of their neuropathy has not been reversed, nor have any changes been made that would support the rejuvenation of cells and nerve tissue that would reverse neuropathy (which is essentially the death of the peripheral endings of the nerves). As neuropathy worsens, it creeps up the legs or arms and can lead to mobility issues and functionality of those limbs, as well as make the patient a fall risk.

That is why we are so happy at Cloud 9 to offer this innovative Neuropathy Program as a solution for neuropathy sufferers.

Now there is hope!

Fibromyalgia – Don’t Live with Pain a Moment Longer

Did You Know?… Fibromyalgia is very difficult to treat with traditional western medicine.

With acupuncture, however, we have over a 90% success rate in treating fibromyalgia and reducing the intensity and frequency of pain by 70-90%. Fibromyalgia is usually diagnosed by your physician, using a specific set of very sore trigger points, very commonly on the torso and arms, that are usually worsened by stretching and self-massage, only to become seemingly worse with each attempt by the patient to ease their own discomfort.

Indeed, fibromyalgia can make one feel absolutely hopeless, as though nothing will take the pain away. It is painful to the point that quality of life is impaired significantly, function is sometimes compromised due to pain, and often the only solution provided is pain medication, which unfortunately does not always help. 

Now there is hope. Cloud 9 Acupuncture has a winning combination of treatments that aide in providing long-lasting relief of fibromyalgia, often getting to the root cause of the condition and reversing the condition using advanced therapies to include acupuncture, ATP Resonance BioTherapy, and O3 Regenerative Therapy, with therapies that also target improving the overall immune response. 

The first step is to call for a consultation to assess your unique fibromyalgia condition to properly design a treatment plan that will be successful in getting your life back, without pain. 

Feel the Sand Between Your Toes

Now that the weather is cooling down, some of us are dreaming about the beach. Feeling the sand between the toes. When you have neuropathy, that dream can easily become a nightmare, being uneasy on your feet, the fear of falling down and being embarrassed in front of your family and friends, feeling like a burden…


Our biggest fear as health care providers treating neuropathy patients is if a neuropathy patient decides not to treat their neuropathy, and doesn’t realize how much sensation they have lost in their feet, they are still driving a car and end up driving through a store front window.

I know, it may sound extreme. Unfortunately, this is a weekly (or more) occurrence in retirement towns in the Carolinas, the South West, and Florida where there are many retirees.

Neuropathy is a progressive condition that basically presents as a gradual loss of sensation from the most peripheral aspect of your feet or hands, the numbness creeps up the limbs over time, becoming more and more numb, less and less safe to drive or even walk.

Fortunately, Now there is Hope. Acupuncture Can Help.

We have an 85% success rate in treating Neuropathy. Utilizing special, innovative therapies exclusively available at our clinic, call to see if you are a candidate for treatment in our Neuropathy Program today. Don’t wait another day.

Honoring Your Fertility Journey

With over 10 years of clinical success helping couples have the baby of their dreams, we know what it takes to get pregnant and stay pregnant.


As we tell our patients, “it takes two to tango!” which is why we treat both partners to improve the egg quality and the sperm quality.  Often couples have had preliminary screenings by the OB/GYN office, and sometimes even a full work-up by the local Fertility Center, Shady Grove or Johns Hopkins prior to scheduling a consult. Many couples are then diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” – perhaps one of the most frustrating labels in one’s fertility journey – because there is no real diagnosis, no exact definition of “what’s wrong with me?” so that you can then focus on solving the problem.

Instead, it usually leads patients to feel a deep sense of guilt in not being able to conceive, unnecessary shame, worry that they will never be able to have a child, and fear that they will run out of time before their biological clock runs out.  The fear is quite real, as egg quantity and quality (ovarian reserve) severely diminish rapidly, monthly after turning 40.


We are here for you.


With our advanced and innovative therapies, we provide hope to those who otherwise have none. We utilize therapies that help turn back the clock and improve egg and sperm quality, improve circulation and blood flow to the uterus, and decrease stress on the nervous system, thereby improving hormone function and supporting couples to get pregnant and carry to term, with a happy, healthy baby and a smoother labor and delivery. Moms bounce back from labor better after receiving regular prenatal acupuncture care, preparing their bodies for labor and postpartum recovery. Our acupuncturist, Laura, is here with you every step of the way with guided experience as a mom ready to lend an ear or share advise on your future baby shower wish list (yes, you really do need all those burp cloths!) – start with a consult today to join the Cloud 9 Acupuncture family as you embark on your fertility journey.


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