- Cloud 9 Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine22 West Padonia Rd. Suite A-203
Timonium, MD 21093
Mental Health
New Therapy BrainTapTM
Acupuncture & Insomnia
Often, patients begin to notice insomnia creeping in at the change of the seasons, especially as we move into springtime. With the added sunlight and the sun setting later in the day, our bodies and minds feel invigorated after a long and arduous winter. For some, the mind “just won’t turn off at bedtime,” for others, the thoughts from the day are set on “rinse and repeat.”
Further still, some are physically restless and simply do not feel tired, until it gets so late past bedtime that they are exhausted and yet, some still cannot sleep. Of course, lest we forget our moms with young children who also suffer sleeplessness, passing their insomnia on to their parents by proxy. Pain also is a large factor of sleep disturbance, which is treated swiftly by acupuncture by reducing chronic pain.
The good news is, Acupuncture Can Help. Regular acupuncture treatment helps to regulate the neuro-endocrine system, balancing the nervous system, cortisol levels and hormones. Many of our patients can attest to acupuncture also reducing anxiety and stress levels, contributing to a better nights sleep. Cloud 9 has a signature Insomnia Treatment Program to solve your insomnia once and for all. Begin with a Consultation.
Acupuncture for Mental Health and Wellness
The conversation around mental health has become much more prominent in recent years thanks in part to the pandemic. Depression, loneliness, anxiety have all increased for many people especially in the last couple of years. Sometimes a prescription medication is needed to deal with a particular mental health issue but often, people are looking for a drug free alternative to address their issue. Acupuncture is a great option for those struggling with mental or emotional issues. continue reading