- Cloud 9 Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine22 West Padonia Rd. Suite A-203
Timonium, MD 21093
Q & A with Acupuncturist Kelly Ferguson
Check out a few of our Acupuncturists discuss Questions such as:
Does Acupuncture Work?
Why Did Kelly Become an Acupuncturist?
What’s Kelly’s Favorite Acupuncture Point?
What are Kelly’s Favorite Conditions to Treat?
Kelly is in Timonium on Tuesday & Thursday, 12pm-8pm, Saturday 10am-3pm
Is White Marsh better for you? Check out our New Acupuncturists Nancy & Jaeok!
PEMF Now at Cloud 9
You’ll notice our new Rainbow Infrared PEMF Mat that treats Pain!
The PEMF Mat may be added to your acupuncture session at No Additional Charge *based on availability.*
PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. To your body, PEMF functions at a cellular level, enhancing your body’s overall functioning. The process of receiving PEMF involves sending energy waves towards pained areas of the body. The waves pass through completely and increase the spin of the electrons.
As a result, wellness levels are improved and the body may function more efficiently.
Read more about our Rainbow PEMF Mat, the Infrared Stone therapy and all the other benefits here: https://healthyline.com/
Here’s what one of our happy patients said about the Rainbow Infrared PEMF Mat:
“I loved it. It was deeply relaxing, I felt like I just spent a week at the beach laying on the sand near the ocean without getting sand everywhere. I felt deeply restorative rest, like a vacation! I usually run cold and felt warm and energized the rest of the day and sleep really well that night. My muscles were looser and limber and made me feel like my body was younger than it actually is. I can’t wait to try it again soon!” -Happy Patient
Enjoy the Rainbow Infrared PEMF Mat for Free during your acupuncture session at Cloud 9 today!
TCM and Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, is a form of depression that affects people all throughout the world. Most commonly experienced during fall and winter months, the symptoms of SAD include depression, hypersomnia, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, negative thoughts and decreased social interaction. Higher levels of anxiety are experienced at the end of the summer season as those who suffer from this ailment start to anticipate the coming months of less sunshine and increased symptomatology. continue reading
Open House & FREE Acupuncture
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Earth Constitutional Factor
By Kelly Ferguson, L.Ac.
You may hear your practitioner speaking about your CF or Constitutional Factor, and you are probably asking yourself what that means? In Five Element Acupuncture Theory there are five elements or seasons that we use to help diagnosis and understand our patients. We have each of these elements within us, but we prefer one to two of them over the others. Those elements that we unknowingly prefer or align with are what we would call a person’s Constitutional Factor or CF. Within each CF there are the meridians, colors, odors, sounds, emotions, personality traits, seasons, etc. that go along with it.
One of these Constitutional Factors is called Earth. The season for this element is Late Summer which we are getting ready to head into. This element is very grounding or centering. It allows us to nurture ourselves and those around us. Earth CF’s can sometimes sound like they are singing as they are speaking. They tend to have a yellow complexion to their skin around their eyes, and their odor can be a bit sweet smelling. The meridians that go along with Earth are spleen and stomach meridians.
Kelly sees patients on Tuesdays & Thursdays 12p -8pm, Saturdays 10am-3pm in Timonium, and Wednesdays 12:30pm-7:30pm in White Marsh. Read more about Kelly at https://cloud9acuclinic.com/kelly-ferguson-acupuncturist/