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At Peace Instead of In Pieces

Lately we’ve had a huge surge in New Patients. Most of these patients are completely new to acupuncture, some are not. Some saw another acupuncturist years ago for a few visits perhaps. One of my takeaways as one of the 6 acupuncturists here at Cloud 9 from the past few weeks is a reminder of just how powerful it can be to have a practitioner provide deep listening.


What do I mean by “Deep Listening?”


Many of our patients recently have said their peace and then looked at me with a soft smile and said, “wow, I feel like I’m talking to my therapist, but I’m more relaxed. I feel so much better.” Usually followed by, “Does anyone else ever tell you that?”


The answer is Yes. Many times. The reason patients have this healing experience so often is because we set a supportive environment where patients can bring any of their concerns or life difficulties to the table to be tended to. As an acupuncturist, I was also given years of training as a Wellness Coach, giving mindset shifting tools to carefully craft and curate for each individual patient at hand.


That’s not to take away from a psychologist or therapist. We refer out to therapists all the time and we respect the amazing work they do. At the same time, we acknowledge that acupuncture brings healing to what the Ancient Chinese described as “Body/Mind/Spirit” and we tend our patients knowing that what ails the mind will show up in the body, and what ails the body will weigh heavily on the mind. We are here to tend you by looking at you holistically (and as a whole).


I look forward to seeing you on the table soon, so we can continue to help you Find Peace, and Bring Your (maybe not so broken?) Pieces back together.

Q & A with Acupuncturist Kelly Ferguson

Check out a few of our Acupuncturists discuss Questions such as:

Does Acupuncture Work?

Why Did Kelly Become an Acupuncturist?

What’s Kelly’s Favorite Acupuncture Point?

What are Kelly’s Favorite Conditions to Treat?

Kelly is in Timonium on Tuesday & Thursday, 12pm-8pm, Saturday 10am-3pm

Is White Marsh better for you? Check out our New Acupuncturists Nancy & Jaeok!

Tibetan Herbal Foot Soaks at Cloud 9

In addition to our new herbal topicals our patients are raving about that have been kicking pain’s butt – Hello Bone Water & Tiger Mom! – We are super excited to tell you we’re adding Tibetan Herbal Foot Soaks to our Acupuncture sessions at No Additional Charge.

Tibetan Herbal Foot Soaks are profoundly effective for chronic pain & inflammation, infertility and neuropathy, and much more.

Tibetan herbal soaks

Our foot soaks use high quality Chinese Herbs sourced directly from Tibet, sustainably harvested by Tibetan Priests.

Read more about our Tibetan Herbal Foot Soaks here:

Or listen to a really awesome podcast about these one of a kind foot soaks here:

tea pot

PEMF Now at Cloud 9

You’ll notice our new Rainbow Infrared PEMF Mat that treats Pain!

The PEMF Mat may be added to your acupuncture session at No Additional Charge *based on availability.*

PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. To your body, PEMF functions at a cellular level, enhancing your body’s overall functioning. The process of receiving PEMF involves sending energy waves towards pained areas of the body. The waves pass through completely and increase the spin of the electrons.

As a result, wellness levels are improved and the body may function more efficiently.
Read more about our Rainbow PEMF Mat, the Infrared Stone therapy and all the other benefits here: 

Rainbow Mat Large 7428 Firm - PEMF Inframat Pro® First Edition Chakra Mat


Here’s what one of our happy patients said about the Rainbow Infrared PEMF Mat:

“I loved it. It was deeply relaxing, I felt like I just spent a week at the beach laying on the sand near the ocean without getting sand everywhere. I felt deeply restorative rest, like a vacation! I usually run cold and felt warm and energized the rest of the day and sleep really well that night. My muscles were looser and limber and made me feel like my body was younger than it actually is. I can’t wait to try it again soon!” -Happy Patient


Enjoy the Rainbow Infrared PEMF Mat for Free during your acupuncture session at Cloud 9 today!

Acupuncture for Allergies

It’s that time of year again! Spring is bursting with blooms of color and fragrance, dancing in the sunlight and giving us all a show of just how beautiful Mother Nature can be when she gets a chance to rest in Winter.


As human beings, we are a part of nature. We often forget we are not machines or robots, but rather, organic, beautiful expressions of nature. Just as we are getting into the full swing of Spring, many of us find ourselves reacting to pollen by way of Allergies.

Itching, Sneezing, Watery Eyes… Oh My! We know how you feel. As acupuncturists, many of us were led to study Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture because once upon a time we also had symptoms and conditions that were uncomfortable like Allergies, or Chronic Pain, for example.  Acupuncture can help by boosting your immune system with very specific acupuncture point protocols that have literally been tested over thousands of years to cultivate the most successful outcomes.


Each acupuncturist is trained thoroughly meeting requirements of Maryland state licensure that includes formal study concluding with a Masters degree in Acupuncture or Chinese Medicine after hundreds of hours of training over the course of 3+ years.


We look forward to sharing with you what acupuncture can do to boost your immune system and get rid of your allergies for good! We now have full coverage for hours at our White Marsh location: Monday through Saturday (closed Thursdays), 9am-7pm, and most of our hours in Timonium Monday through Saturday as early as 7am, and open as late as 8pm.

(864) 908-9032 Directions Contact/Schedule