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Herbal Medicine

Embracing Herbal Therapy: What You Need to Know

Embracing Herbal Therapy: What You Need to Know

Herbal therapy has been championed by China and other Eastern countries for centuries. As Western medicine looks for more natural alternatives with fewer side effects, herbal medicine is gaining a foothold in the treatment of several common health concerns. Read on for advice from the Cleveland Clinic and learn what recent research has to say about herbalism.  continue reading »

Cutting Edge Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is a degenerative condition, well-known for causing a lot of chronic pain especially in the joints as the joints degenerate over time. Traditionally, arthritis sufferers can tell when rain or snow is in the forecast even before the local weatherman can. There can be a genetic predisposition for developing more severe and widespread arthritis. It can also be caused by significant repetitive use in one’s career or hobbies, or from trauma and injuries. Most arthritis patients are traditionally prescribed NSAID’s, narcotics, or steroids.

Cloud 9’s arthritis patients have a lot to say about our helpful Arthritis Program at Cloud 9 Acupuncture. We credit our 90% success rate with our innovative cutting edge therapies such as ATP Resonance BioTherapyTM, O3 Regenerative TherapyTM to restore the joints, and pharmaceutical grade supplements to correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies to help the body heal itself.

Our successful Arthritis Program provides patients relief, even after nothing else has worked. Before coming to Cloud 9, patients have usually tried medications, physical therapy, and even stem cell therapy without much improvement.

Now there is Hope… Cloud 9 is usually described the Last Resort with the Best Hope. Call today for a consult 410-847-4766 to learn more and see if you are a candidate for our Arthritis Program.

Three Things to Know About Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine

Three Things to Know About Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture and herbal medicine often go hand-in-hand. Herbal medicine is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, as appropriate, to support the body’s healing process. Just like a traditional medical prescription, herbs are prescribed by Oriental Medicine practitioners to address a variety of health concerns. They are often prescribed as formulas rather than specific individual herbs and are tailored to the needs of the patient. And just like traditional prescription medicine, herbs are adjusted as the patient’s needs change. Some Western hospitals are now utilizing Chinese herbs in their treatment protocols. For example, the Cleveland Clinic has a licensed and certified Chinese herbalist on staff. continue reading »

Fertility Help is Here

If you’re looking to start your family soon, consider acupuncture. Over 3,000 years old, acupuncture has been helping couples conceive for centuries. Acupuncture regulates the neuroendocrine systems, balancing fertility hormones naturally without a lot of outside medical intervention. Most couples benefit from the “PRE-Trimester” (3 months prior to conception).

It turns out, the sperm and the egg are both affected by lifestyle, diet and stress 3 months prior to conception. We call this time period “Fertility Prep.” That’s also why we dedicate a Couples Consultation prior to designing our fertility treatment plan for each couple. Therapies such as acupuncture, herbs, supplements, ATP Resonance BioTherapy, O3 Regenerative Therapy are used to reach our fertility goals on our couple’s timeline.

Some of our fertility couples are trying to conceive (TTC) all naturally, some are undergoing IVF or IUI procedures, or using a surrogate. Many of our fertility patients have successfully overcome PCOS, endometriosis, sperm motility or morphology issues, or unexplained infertility. Whatever the diagnosis, we have over a 90% success rate helping couples not just conceive, but support our couple to a successful delivery of the baby of their dreams.

We don’t just get women pregnant, we help create families.

Natural Pain Relief!

Alleviate all your aches and pains with this amazing topical bundle! A natural solution to pain all over.

 Tiger Mom ™ CBD Roller (NO THC) and Dr. Mitowi Holy Water ™ are the dream team when it comes to pain relief. This dynamic duo will eliminate muscle tightness, bruising, and soreness all over. These topicals can be used on everyone for almost any pain. If you sign on to one of our customized pain relieving treatment plans these products are often included. Products are available for purchase.  

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