Having seen Laura Stauffer Parks around Tai Sophia Institute and the clinic before getting to know her, I was very excited when I learned that she would be joining our core group. Her energy and warm smile had already made their way into my heart, and now I would get the chance to know her and find out more about this abundant energy she gives so freely to the world. I wasn’t at all surprised to discover that Laura was a Reiki master and practitioner. She has that glow about her that starts to heal as soon as one sees it. Whenever she’s near me I feel much more at peace and a smile spreads across my face. Even in moments of stress a smile is not that far from her lips nor is the warmth and love that radiates from her spirit.
The first time I was in the treatment room as her partner I was blown away by the amount of tending and acknowledgement that poured from her heart onto her patient. Inside my mind I was thinking, “oh my goodness, this is the luckiest patient in the world right now..! I wish that was me on the table..!” Her attention to detail without losing presence was incredible. I in fact did not think it possible to be so thorough while staying so connected to everything that was happening. But she was sooo connected… both to the patient and to the Spirit that permeates the air all around her as she treats. The way she spoke to the patient, not just in the words of encouragement and acknowledgement, but in the conviction that came through with those words was AWE inspiring, and extremely empowering. I felt empowered and I was just the partner. There is a very perceivable change that takes place when Laura begins speaking from that place deep inside of her, like in Reiki—the moment the Spirit descends and comes through the practitioner and into the patient, things get magical and words cease to describe it. I feel that Energy of Reiki coming right through her words, and I am certain that her patients feel it, as I know I do as I’m sitting there listening.
I am so lucky that I have had the chance to not only be a witness to the healing energy that flows through Laura, but I have been its recipient as well. After one of those occasions, aside from feeling awesome, I couldn’t help but think about all those clients who, like myself would now have to find another massage therapist, another acupuncturist. . . Finding the right massage therapist, the right acupuncturist, is not easy. Finding someone like Laura with all her energy, strength and love along with the complete and total acceptance she brings to everyone she’s with, without exception, is something of the impossible. I am really going to miss her… and this is the hardest part about meeting someone as sweet and loving as Laura… when they leave it is certain that tears will follow… it happened to me as I thought about her, as I’m sure it did to many others whose heart has been touched and healed in some way just by being in her presence.
-Daniel K.
Tai Sophia Institute Alumni