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Our 90% Success Rate Fertility Program

At our clinic, we are proud of having over a 90% success rate in helping our couples not just get pregnant, but have a healthy labor & delivery, healthy baby, and healthy postpartum experience. We combine regenerative therapies to turn back the biological clock.

Therapies such as acupuncture, ATP Resonance BioTherapy that uses low level current to reprogram the cells that influence reproductive health, O3 Regenerative Therapy specifically to fully oxygenate the uterine lining, improving circulation and increasing the rate of implantation, as well as improving egg quality. With over a decade of experience, customized supplements complement the acupuncture protocols we use, aligning with each week of your fertility cycle – the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, and the luteal phase. Find out more with a Couple’s Consultation to explore what type of treatment plan our clinic will recommend for you and your partner. Remember, “it takes Two to Tango!”

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