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How Can Acupuncture Help With Fertility?

Acupuncture can help with all stages in the fertility journey from conception to delivery. Some benefits of acupuncture include:
• Regulate menstruation and increase the blood flow to the uterus
• Improve sperm count
• Relieve stress
• Regulate the hormones and increase ovarian response function
• Reduce the side effects of hormone treatments
• Increase and strengthen the immune system
• Improve the success rate of IVF
• Decrease the chances of miscarriage and increase the rate of live birth

Whether you are working with a Fertility Center, PCOS specialist, gearing up for IVF or IUI, working with a Reproductive Endocrinologist, or simply trying to conceive naturally – we can help!

Call today for a Couples Consultation at 410-847-4766.

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