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Spring: A Season of New Possibilities

A phrase we all know well, “the winds of change” always reminds me of the Spring season.  In Chinese Medicine, the color that resonates with Spring is Green.

season of possibilities

The emotion that is associated with Spring is Anger or Frustration.  Anger can be a good thing, especially in balance.  The experience of Anger can allow us to finally take effective action about an issue that has bothered us for a long time, or give us fresh perspective on what we need to change in our lives to live a more authentic life.

The odor of Spring is called Rancid, and can best be described as the smell after a good Spring rain that comes from the wet trees.  In this scenario, the Rancid smell is not so bad at all!

The sound of Spring is Shout, which can sound like having a verbal ping pong match, speaking with short, clipped phrases, to the point, clear and efficient.  I’m reminded of the military in this example, most communication with the military is short, to the point, and efficient.  Military communications are not the place where we will likely find lofty poetic responses.

Spring is considered the Wood Element in Chinese Medicine, and the Wood Element rules the Liver and Gallbladder organs and Meridian pathways.  The Wood Element also rules the muscles, tendons, ligaments and sinews of the body, as well as our Eyes and our physical vision.  In a more metaphorical sense, the Wood Element also creates our ability to craft a vision for our lives, and affords us the gifts of Planning, Drive, Motivation and Action.

If you need support in any of these areas, contact Laura today for an acupuncture tune-up!

Got Allergies? We Can Help!

Using Chinese Medicine, we can help your Allergies using

Acupuncture treatment

acupuncture treatment for allergies



and nutrition tips based on Chinese Medicine Nutrition Theory


Many of our patients are able to give up their allergy meds for good!  Schedule your free Consultation Today to begin your journey to better Health & Well-Being.

Healthy Happy Hour Sat. 3/19

Open House Healthy Happy Hour

Bring your family & friends and join us for our Healthy Happy Hour!
Enjoy complimentary Chair Massage and free Relaxation Mini-Acupuncture treatments.

You’ll have a chance to introduce your family and friends to our Massage Therapist Jordan Meadley and our Acupuncturist Laura Parks.

Reserve your seat at

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Sat. March 19th, 10am – 12noon

We dare say you may even feel like you are on Cloud 9 before you leave!


Thank you for your support!
Most of our patients are referred to our practice by word of mouth.  Many people have never experienced acupuncture before, and they want to go to see an acupuncturist who has been personally recommended by someone they know & trust.  So if you love acupuncture, make sure you share the love!

Attend our Open House to enter our raffle for a  FREE acupuncture gift certificate.

Open House: Healthy Happy Hour

Open House Cloud 9 Acupuncture 3.2016

To Reserve your seat, Click the Red “Book Now” button on your screen, scroll to the bottom of the page, near “Classes.”

Dolphin Telepathy Meditation *Free Workshop

Dolphin Telepathy Meditation Workshop 3.13.2016To Reserve Your Seat, Click on the Red “Book Now” button and scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see Classes.

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