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Winter Cleanse is Coming Soon!

winter cleanse

Our 7 Day Cleanse is back by popular demand!  Stay tuned for our Winter 7 Day Cleanse, which will include seasonal recipes you’ll love this winter.


This Cleanse is great for losing weight from the holidays while still eating super delicious real food you can buy at your local supermarket. The Cleanse gives you real solutions to eating really well and enjoying food that tastes good and is actually good for you. Weight loss is difficult for many, but our Cleanse helps make it easy. You will have support by phone and email from our Acupuncturist and Certified Health Coach, Laura Parks.  You will also receive an abundance of tasty recipes for during and after the Cleanse, as well as tips to reduce toxins, and a structured way to keep track of how you’re doing with your health goals during and after the Cleanse.


We will also discover any hidden food sensitivities that may be the biggest reason you’re struggling with losing weight. Food sensitivities can also be causing your aches and pains, migraines or headaches, infertility, insomnia, digestive distress, anxiety or mood swings.

weight loss

The most powerful method of all is to combine our Winter Cleanse with Weight Loss Acupuncture treatment – allowing you boost the effects of all of your hard work.


We will be offering the 7 Day Winter Cleanse as a short group program in February, but if you can’t wait until February call or email Laura today to get started in our Early Bird Cleanse program! Call 443-521-3583 Email 

balanced diet

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