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Want to Have a Baby? This is a MUST Read!

We get asked everyday how acupuncture helps with Fertility.

Did you know . . . lots of research has been done with acupuncture to boost clinical outcomes with fertility patients. In clinical trials, it was shown that Acupuncture boosts the success rate of an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) patient having a live birth by 90%.


Acupuncture has shown by blood work, and ultrasounds, MRI scans to show a significant boost in circulation to the uterus and improvement to egg quality and sperm quality and mobility. Or as we like to say “Supercharge the Egg and Supercharge the Sperm” to make the outcome of getting pregnant happen much faster than it would without acupuncture.


At Cloud 9, we have over a decade of clinical success in helping couples conceive, especially difficult cases. We have a 90% success rate in helping couples deliver a healthy baby – even after they’ve been told the chances of conceiving on their own “are virtually zero.” Now there is hope.


Our clinic is different because we don’t just do acupuncture. We offer many different types of innovative, cutting edge technology therapies that help our patients get pregnant in half the time that traditional acupuncture patients do. We are one of only 50 clinics in the country that have ATP Resonance BioTherapy™, which resets your body and rejuvenates the cells with an anti-aging effect for the Egg, Sperm, and Uterus. We also use a gentle and relaxing transdermal Chinese Herb therapy, and electrostim acupuncture.


Challenging cases are welcome at Cloud 9. Please Call for a Consult to begin.


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