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Free Chronic Pain Release Workshop Dec. 6th

Forgiveness & Chronic Pain Release

From your friends at

Cloud 9 Acupuncture

Sun. Dec. 6th
2p – 4p
at Cloud 9 Acupuncture

Please bring a non-perishable food item for donation.
Cloud 9 Acupuncture is collecting to Donate to the Maryland Food Bank throughout the months of Nov. & Dec.

Many physical symptoms are worsened by emotional stagnation and stress.  One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to find a way to release old toxic emotions like anger, fear, sadness, grief and worry.

When we make a conscious decision to forgive ourselves and others, we immediately create healing in our physical and emotional body and allow ourselves to move forward in a healthy way.  When we practice forgiveness, we create peace and ease.

In this workshop we will open with a brief meditation on the transition from Fall to Winter, followed by a review of the Forgiveness and Chronic Pain Release technique, created by Connie Newton.

This technique is easy to learn and share with others.  We will focus on how to let go of toxic emotions and become at ease in the present moment.

A Look Ahead for 2016
First 5 people to Register will receive a Free 5 min. Intuitive Consultation with Laura Parks at the conclusion of the workshop.

Contact Laura Parks to register.
Call 443-521-3583 or email


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