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Fibromyalgia – Don’t Live with Pain a Moment Longer

Did You Know?… Fibromyalgia is very difficult to treat with traditional western medicine.

With acupuncture, however, we have over a 90% success rate in treating fibromyalgia and reducing the intensity and frequency of pain by 70-90%. Fibromyalgia is usually diagnosed by your physician, using a specific set of very sore trigger points, very commonly on the torso and arms, that are usually worsened by stretching and self-massage, only to become seemingly worse with each attempt by the patient to ease their own discomfort.

Indeed, fibromyalgia can make one feel absolutely hopeless, as though nothing will take the pain away. It is painful to the point that quality of life is impaired significantly, function is sometimes compromised due to pain, and often the only solution provided is pain medication, which unfortunately does not always help. 

Now there is hope. Cloud 9 Acupuncture has a winning combination of treatments that aide in providing long-lasting relief of fibromyalgia, often getting to the root cause of the condition and reversing the condition using advanced therapies to include acupuncture, ATP Resonance BioTherapy, and O3 Regenerative Therapy, with therapies that also target improving the overall immune response. 

The first step is to call for a consultation to assess your unique fibromyalgia condition to properly design a treatment plan that will be successful in getting your life back, without pain. 

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