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Did You Know . . . About O3 Regenerative Ozone Therapy

Our Newest Therapy

O3 Regenerative TherapyTM

Can Be Used for Many Conditions!


O3 Regenerative Therapy™ Injections are a great treatment for chronic joint pain (knee, back, and shoulders). Your body has the ability heal itself, sometimes it just needs a push in the right direction.

What To Expect With

O3 Regenerative Therapy™


Quick & Painless
The procedure is quick and painless, you’re in and out of the office in 30 minutes.
Typical Treatment Course
For most conditions, we prescribe 4 procedures. Some people may only need one to two treatments, while others may need as many as six or seven.

Accurate Assessment

Once you are being treated, the doctor will analyze how your body is responding, and will then be able to give you an accurate estimate of what you can expect from further treatments.


The injection process is repeated every 2 weeks until maximum improvement is seen.

Absence Of Symptoms

O3 Regenerative Therapy™ can and often results in a complete absence of symptoms, even in severe pain conditions that have been present for years.

Usually Results In A Permanent Fix

The most amazing thing about O3 Regenerative Therapy™ is that the results usually represent a permanent fix.

Conditions That We Treat with

O3 Regenerative Therapy™


Of Any Joint

Back Pain

Including Degenerated / Dehydrated Discs
Facet Arthrosis
SI Syndrome


Except True Hormonal Migraines

Neck Pain

Sports Injuries

Tennis Elbow
Rotator Cuff Tear
ACL Tear
Torn Meniscus
Chronic Ankle Sprains
Achilles Tendonitis
Chronic Subluxation / Dislocation Of Shoulder
Torn Labrum Of Shoulder Or Hip

acupuncture for running injuries

Overuse Syndromes

Plantar Fasciitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Texters / Quilters Thumb
TMJ syndrome

Avascular Necrosis

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Is there research on O3 Regenerative Therapy And Fertility?

Yes! Use the following link to see one of many research articles about the success stories of O3 Therapy and Fertility. Ozone Therapy and Fertility

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