Now there is Hope! Right here in Greenville, South Carolina we can treat fibromyalgia with over a 90% reduction in pain and symptoms.
The secret to our success is to combine acupuncture and our other natural, advanced therapies to create faster, more effective healing for complex, chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and other autoimmune conditions.
To treat fibromyalgia, we use a clinically proven set of acupuncture points to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia and bring the body and the immune system back into balance. Then, we combine acupuncture with fully oxygenating the blood supply by using O3 Regenerative Therapy™, and optimizing cellular functioning using ATP Resonance BioTherapy™, and Direct Vitamin Injection Therapy™ to bring key nutrients back into the body useful for regulating the immune system and giving energy to fatigued, tight muscles.
Ready to learn more? Don’t wait another day. Call us at 864-908-9032 to schedule a consultation with our Medical Director, Dr. Laura Parks, D.Ac., L.Ac.