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Fertility Help is Here

If you’re looking to start your family soon, consider acupuncture. Over 3,000 years old, acupuncture has been helping couples conceive for centuries. Acupuncture regulates the neuroendocrine systems, balancing fertility hormones naturally without a lot of outside medical intervention. Most couples benefit from the “PRE-Trimester” (3 months prior to conception).

It turns out, the sperm and the egg are both affected by lifestyle, diet and stress 3 months prior to conception. We call this time period “Fertility Prep.” That’s also why we dedicate a Couples Consultation prior to designing our fertility treatment plan for each couple. Therapies such as acupuncture, herbs, supplements, ATP Resonance BioTherapy, O3 Regenerative Therapy are used to reach our fertility goals on our couple’s timeline.

Some of our fertility couples are trying to conceive (TTC) all naturally, some are undergoing IVF or IUI procedures, or using a surrogate. Many of our fertility patients have successfully overcome PCOS, endometriosis, sperm motility or morphology issues, or unexplained infertility. Whatever the diagnosis, we have over a 90% success rate helping couples not just conceive, but support our couple to a successful delivery of the baby of their dreams.

We don’t just get women pregnant, we help create families.

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